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Download instructions

DBJ is a java-developped program, using a "Swing" user-interface.

You can download 2 different files depending what you need :


A wrapped-exe version is available by clicking here for standard Windows users. It's a wrapped executable - meaning that it will search for the best suitable Java Virtual Machine on your PC to execute this program. The zip file contains both executable and jar version.

This version is the simplest way to run DBJ however it has some limitations.

- Windows only (XP, Vista...)

- It may be wrongly detected as a virus by some antivirus software since executable is not signed

- Memory settings are pre-defined : 100 Mo mini, 300 Mo max (This should allow correct usage on common PCs).

If you want to run it on Linux or MacOS, if you want to use the command-line processor, or if you want to apply specific memory settings you will need to use the jar file (see below).


DBJ is  also available as a jar file by clicking here and saving the file to your local disk. It is a freeware - you can download, install and use it on any computer. You can read my disclaimer from the DBJ tool 'Help' menu. No "installation" is required - just copy the jar file and double-click it to launch it... Or using command-line below :

javaw -jar dbj.jar

Since an executable jar will use default memory settings for your system, once downloaded you can also execute it using the following command (I did not include the paths so you can adapt to your system) :

javaw -cp dbj.jar com.ctp.dbj.SqlTool

This allows you to set specific memory parameters, i.e. -Xms and -Xmx to set initial and Max Java heap size. It can also allow you to include additional classes on the classpath for jdbc connectivity purpose.

Configuration is based on a dbj.properties text file, that will be created if missing on first execution.

Please click here to get Help on DBJ

You can get the Dbj icon Dbj Icon by getting it from here.


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